Domestic AD Data

Displaying 41 - 46 of 46
SN Id Airport Name Four Latter Code Runway Threshold Coordinates ARP Runway Length And Width Elevation Surface Condition Remarks
1 43 GALDOGOB HCGD 06 24 065723.70N 4713.30E 1660Mx40M 122 FT GRAVEL Pilots to excise caution when operating in the vicinity of the airstrip
065710.60N 47040.10E 065734.90N 47127.50E
2 45 DOLOW HCDL 03 21 04°08'57.47"N 042°04'52.39"E 1702Mx40M 631 FT GRAVEL Pilot to Excise caution when operating in the vicinity of the airstrip
04829.40N 042435.40E 04 916.60N 04253.90E
3 46 BAXDO HCBX 05 23 055009.3N 0471246.8E 1500Mx30M 686 FT SANDY Pilot to Excise caution when operating in the vicinity of the Airstrip
054959N 04771239E 055030N 0471315E
4 47 Barawe HCBW 21 30 010947.28N 0440050E 2800MX30M 264ft GRAVEL Pilot to Excise caution when operating in the vicinity of the Airstrip
011017.5N 0440102.1E 010917.5N 0440028.3E
5 48 HOBYO HCMO 03 21 052119.6N 0483052.5E 1700X35M 46FT COMACT SAND Pilot to Excise caution when operating in the vicinity of the airstrip
052149.97N0483106.7E 052059.41N0483040.8E
6 49 YEED HCYD 06 24 043207.0N 0430148.6E 1400X20M 1170ft GRAVEL Pilot to Excise caution when operating in the vicinity of the airstrip
043202.2N 0430142.9E 043227.4N 0430219.6E